In this blog, we are going to discuss how Scalp Micro Pigmentation treatment is performed from start to finish and address some commonly asked questions.
The first step of the process is the consultation. First and foremost, our consultations are always free and confidential. During your consultation we will spend time getting to know you and understanding the nature of your particular challenges regarding hair loss, hair thinning, head scarring, etc. This is where you can ask us any and all questions you may have or address concerns that you may have as well. The more questions you ask and the more information you share with us, the better we can tailor your treatment. Once we have established a clear picture of your individual needs we will lay out your prospective treatment plan and treatment schedule. We will provide you with a clear understanding of results that you can expect to achieve with us. Your consultation is also where you will be provided the total cost of your procedure for the agreed upon treatment.
The entire procedure is usually carried out over 2-4 sessions that can last up to 2-4 hours each. It is very common for people to feel anxious or nervous before their first treatment. One of our main goals at Alpha Micropigmentation is to make the treatment process as easy and comfortable as possible for our clients. The term “hair tattoo” is commonly used to describe our procedure and that name usually elicits certain fears and concerns of discomfort. These fears usually disappear within a few seconds into the procedure as our technique is far less painful than a traditional tattoo. We have even had clients fall asleep during treatment! You will notice immediate results after your first session although our first sessions usually run shorter than the others as we are really trying to get a feel for how the pigment is going to look and heal in your skin.
The second session is where the bulk of the procedure is completed. This session is typically scheduled one week after your first session to allow time for your scalp to heal and for the pigment to set. Once we are able to see the results from your first session we are really able to add quite a bit of density and depth. As stated before, this session is typically longer than your first one due to the fact that we are making far more impressions and adding far more density. We tell clients to plan on being in the chair for 3-4 hours this day.
Your third session is usually just a touch-up depending on the type of procedure you are doing. It is almost always scheduled one week after your second session just as before. This is usually your last session as well. During your consultation, your aftercare instructions would have already been given to you but we will typically go over them one more time at this point and explain the best practices and care to get the most life and longevity out of your procedure.
From start to finish an entire procedure usually takes around three weeks consisting of one visit per week. The results are instant and last anywhere from 5-7 years. There are very few people that are experiencing hair loss or hair thinning that we are not able to help. We are very excited to be a part of this industry and are always happy to answer any questions you may have even if you are not able to make it in for a consultation.
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